Got something to do with directsound,if checked it won't use directsound,this way it will give less compatibility problems (i think.... :)
If checked it will give you a fullscreen display of quake2, otherwise quake2 will be executed in a window.(not for m3d users,unless they download a glide patch)
In software mode you can choose your resolution with this:
The same as with Sw_mode but this refers to 3dfx mode.
This will give you a dedicated server, this means people can log in your server and start playing , but you can't play with them.
If checked : This will initialize quake2 to go from single player to deathmatch.
If checked : This will set the maximum of clients that can connect to your server.
This will set the time of a deathmatch game.
This will set the maximum of frags of the game.
The CD-directory of quake, you maybe only have to change the drive letter.
The game directory is the directory where you installed quake2.
This is the map which will be loaded if you have chosen deathmatch or dedicated.
If checked : If you drop from high grounds the player will receive damage.
If checked : This will prevent weapons disappearing if picked up.
If checked : The powerup you picked up will immediately be active.
Not checked : The powerup will be added to the inventory.
If checked : Powerups will be in the game ,like quake/silencer/penta..
If checked : You can pick up health in the game.
If checked : You can pick up armor in the game.
If checked : If you die , you will be spawned as far as possible from your opponent.
If checked : When the game ends it will restart the same map.
If checked : A dead person will be auto-respawned after a few seconds.
If checked : A person can walk out of the level , the server will load the next level. Personally i think this options sucks on the internet.
If checked : You can fire unlimited
You can choose teamplay based on :
This means you can play in teams of males or females, or in teams where each team has a different skin.
By choosing a hostname,you define a name for your server.
Press this and Ciafq2 will make a startup icon,depending on if you chose dedicated/deathmatch,if you didn't check either Ciafq2 will make a single player startup.